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Finding Work

Photo of woman on a computer

Once you have gone through the steps of preparing for work, we can begin to help you to find a job. As always, we use your employment plan to guide us through the steps of looking for work.

Job Quest can help you to plan and prepare your résumé as well as cover letters to go out to individual employers. A résumé outlines your skills, knowledge and work experiences. A cover letters explains how your skills, knowledge and work experience “fit’ with employer’s needs and the position for which you are applying.

Most people find job interviews very intimidating. We can help you to prepare by arranging practice interviews with actual employers. We can also support you in actual interviews and meetings with employers.

Once you find work, we help you to keep your job.



Disability or other impairment
We can help people with:
Physical disability (of the body)
Cognitive disability (of thinking)
Learning disability (trouble learning)
Developmental disability (of the intellect)
Psychiatric disability (of the brain)
Attention Deficit Disorders (trouble focusing on one task)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (trouble focusing on one task and trouble staying calm)
Anxiety disorders (trouble with strong, stressful and worrisome feelings)
Employment program
An employment program provides services to help people looking for work to get ready for and find a job.
Specialized Supports and Services
An employment program provides specialized supports and services when it helps a specific group of people. In this case, the specific group of people helped by Job Quest are those who have disabilities or other impairments that can make it difficult to find or keep a job.