Answering Your Questions
Has Job Quest adopted best practices?
Best practices are demonstrated through:
- The development of Job Quest initially as pilot project to assess sustainability.
- The development of a business and marketing plan.
- Advisory Committee governance, including representation from a number of community sectors.
- Quality staffing, including expertise in the areas of social services, human resources, employment and youth employment.
- Use of probation period and annual staff evaluations.
- The delivery of individualized, comprehensive and tri-faceted support services that address the barriers to employment at the individual, organizational and community level – including access to traditional, non-employment supports as needed.
- Individual goal setting and planning with extended follow-up and participation in the evaluation process.
- Proactive work with employers and the community, including extended follow-up and participation in evaluation partnerships.
- Formal partnerships within the community to address arising needs, for example, youth unemployment and the needs of the seriously mentally ill.
- Formalized contract agreements with fee-for-service organized funding, including new partners.
- Detailed statistical development and outcome analysis.
- Public education regarding community services available (not just those in the employment sector or provided by Job Quest).
- Community education regarding the myths around disability and employment.
- Development of user-friendly and accessible technology, including the redevelopment of the Job Quest website